Thursday, February 21, 2008

Gracie's Room

Here are a few pictures of the baby's room. Bryan has worked so hard and has been so meticulous with the details! He did a wonderful job...I absolutely love it! We are waiting on some artwork to be completed by my mom. When we get the paintings and hang them up, I will post more pictures.


I saw the doctor yesterday and he said I'm close to 4 cm dilated. For the past 3 weeks, each time I've gone in there my blood pressure has increased. It's still in the normal range, but it's high normal. Next Friday I will be 40 weeks. With all that being said, if I don't have the baby this weekend he is going to induce me on Monday. Yikes!! Today I have had a lot of pressure and tightening and some menstrual-like cramps. They are uncomfortable, but nothing consistent or painful. We are patiently waiting for this little stinker to hurry up!! I would rather her come on her own, but I'm VERY ready for Monday if needed! Check back in the next day or two to see if Gracie has decided to make her debut!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

37 1/2 weeks

As of yesterday, I am 3 cm dilated and 80% effaced. The doctor seems to think the baby will come sometime next week. I guess all we can do is wait and see!!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

More Pics

Here's a recent belly pic!!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Making progress!!

I saw my doctor yesterday morning. He told me I am 1.5cm dilated and 70% effaced. He thinks I will have the baby within the next two weeks. I have a feeling I will have her next week. Don't know why...just a hunch! I'm pretty uncomfortable these days, so next week would work for me!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

27 Days and Counting!!

Yesterday I reached the 36 week mark! My belly has grown a bit more and Gracie is extremely active! She squirms around all the time...which is so amazing to watch and feel! I am feeling more uncomfortable the bigger she gets, but it is certainly worth every ache and pain. It still amazes me what the human body can endure!

I see my doctor on Tuesday morning for another routine check up. At my last visit he said that everything looked good, and my cervix had not changed since the previous visit in January. I was very happy to hear that! He wants me to continue staying off my feet as much as possible until after Saturday Feb, 9th. (he will be out of town for three days, will return on the 9th, and doesn't want me to have the baby while he's gone!!) After the 9th, he said I can resume my normal activities! This means, I can go shopping and not have to sit in a wheelchair, AND I can start cleaning my house! I have this incredible urge to get everything organized...I guess this is the "nesting instinct" I've read about?!

Gracie's bedroom is just about finished too! Her crib should arrive this week. When we get everything set up, I will be sure to post the pictures of her room.

Bryan and I are just beside ourselves waiting to meet this little girl! We can't wait to see what she's going to look like, what kind of personality she will have, etc. Please keep the three of us in your prayers as we travel on this unfamiliar journey!!

Keep checking back for new posts...there will probably be pictures of "Princess Grace" posted soon!