Saturday, August 30, 2008

Auntie Rae Rae came to spend some time with Lil' G. They played hard, then crashed even harder!
Look at those sweet little pink cheeks!
Gracie is practicing holding her bottle, while Simon is snuggling up for warmth!
She can now get up onto her hands and knees. When up on all fours she rocks back and forth a bit...a sign she will be crawling soon. She can also sit up on her own for a few seconds at a time. With each day, she gets better at balancing.
Grace is also eating lots of different foods. (squash, sweet potatoes, carrots, corn casserole, green beans, peas, papaya, chicken, rice and oatmeal cereal, prunes, bananas, pears, apples) Last night we put some broccoli in her little "munchie net" for her to suck on. She LOVED it!!
Bryan has the hang of things at home now. He's doing a wonderful job! I still have a hard time leaving those two in the mornings though!
With that being said, school has really been going well. When I'm teaching, I don't dwell on the fact that I'm not home with the baby. The kids keep me REALLY busy! The first home football game will be next Friday. I plan on bringing Gracie to the game. She is such a people person that I think she would really enjoy all the sights and sounds! My students and the faculty will love seeing her too. I will try to take some pictures that night!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Daddy and Gracie having lunch!

While I was getting ready for work last Friday, I walked into our room and found this! Can you see why it's so hard to leave every morning? I would have given my right leg to have been able to jump in bed and snuggle with those two!! (By the way, she wasn't really sleeping. She blinked when I took the picture...I LOVE IT!!!)

All three of us at a friend's birthday party.

Mommy and Gracie (a rare picture since I'm usually the one behind the camera).

Grace got to check out her friend Logan's activity center. It was a mini DJ station, with microphones, keyboard, and everything!!

I had to go back to work on Monday the 11th. I cried the entire weekend. The past 5 1/2 months have been amazing. I have really enjoyed my time with my little angel. Most women only get a few weeks with their amazes me that the United States of America is rated among the last five countries when it comes to maternity leave. Our society does not value the role of being a mother. I could go on for hours about this, but I should get off my soapbox now.

Anyway, because Grace was born at the end of February my maternity leave carried me through the end of the school year. Then I got my two months off for summer vacation. So, yes I am very blessed to have had the extra time with her. We couldn't have planned it better if we had tried!!

Bryan is taking his paternity leave and is staying home with her. So far things seem to be going well. They are both going to have to do some adjusting, but I have faith that the two of them will get into their own groove and really enjoy themselves. Bryan is doing a great job! I am very proud of him!!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Yesterday, I went in to check on Gracie while she was napping. She had rolled herself all the way to the top of her crib, had her "lovey" over her face, and her arm and legs out through the bars. If I had fallen asleep in a position like that, I wouldn't be able to move for days.

She is just so freakin' cute!!! God, I love that baby!!!

Visit From Tank

We didn't do it!!!

Ian (Tank McCorkle) and Mrs. Gina came over to visit us on Wednesday. We really enjoyed hanging out together! The more interactive Gracie gets, the more fun we will have. Thanks for coming over guys!!