Friday, November 8, 2013

Halloween Photo Shoot

I dressed the kids up a few weeks before Halloween to capture their cute little selves in their Halloween costumes.  Halloween night is always so hectic, especially on a school night like it was this year, that I don't get very good pictures.  

This year Grace asked to be a monarch butterfly.  She has been obsessed with them since her 4 year old class raised them from caterpillars.  We even have milk weed plants and have raised a few ourselves.

RJ asked to be a construction worker.  This was perfect because I didn't have to buy a thing.  He had everything he needed for his costumes.  Easy, peasy!!


Friday, October 25, 2013

Now I lay me down to sleep...

Rainbow Hair

Grace came home from school so proud that she could read a book all by herself.  I love seeing her so confident!

Mars vs. Venus

On our way home from school today, Grace was explaining something to RJ about how Bryan has worked in many different places.  I only caught the last part of the conversation, but know that Grace had been talking for quite a while.  The entire time Grace was talking, RJ was sucking his thumb and staring directly ahead.  Once Grace finished her dissertation RJ looked over at her and said, "That was a lot of talking", then he resumed his thumb sucking and staring.

Men and women are wired so differently from the get go.  Even at ages 3 and 5, he is from Mars and she is from Venus.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Deep Thoughts, from RJ.

The other day the kids were eating dinner.  RJ turned to me, as he was at the end of his bowl of peas and says, "I'm at the end of my peas.  You know, my master peas!"

Earlier in the week I told the kids they could have a sleepover in RJ's bed.  With enthusiasm RJ blurts out, "YES!!  This is going to be so dramatic!!"


We were at a friend's house today and the kids were playing dress-up.  While talking with my friend, I heard Grace calling my name from the bathroom.  I went in there to find sitting on the potty all dressed in a ball gown, veil, and jewels.  She looked at me and says, "Mommy, even the fanciest princesses have to go poop."

Yes, Grace.  I guess they do.

Saturday, August 17, 2013


Thursday night was meet the teacher at Grace's new school.  I can't believe she's going to Kindergarten!!!  It was so hard to leave her preschool.  The teachers she's had have been so wonderful and nurturing.  We have been truly blessed to send her there.  Even though we are sad she's leaving her preschool, we are so excited to find out what lies ahead in the "big kid school".  

I love Grace's new teacher.  She's a 17 year veteran, but has kids close to Grace's age.  When we arrived, Grace had to go on a scavenger hunt to find items such as the garbage can, bathroom, book nook, etc. to familiarize herself with the classroom.  Brilliant!  This was a much needed icebreaker.  Once Grace completed the hunt, she got to pick out a book that she would like to read on Monday.  She chose a book about cats and kittens.  Her teacher also left a little brown bag at each desk.  Each bag had a sign on it that said "Do Not Open Until Sunday at Bedtime".  Genius!!  What a great way to pique the student's interest and get them excited about the first day of school.
Grace coloring her name tag like a rainbow.  

I may or may not have cried while she was completing her scavenger hunt.  However, I know it will all be good once she comes home and tells me about her day.  She's looking forward to her new adventure.  Plus, her preschool teacher gave me a bottle of champagne as a gift for being the Room Mom.  We are to toast Grace's first day of Kindergarten and celebrate what an amazing human being she is!  I have a feeling I'm going to crack that bad boy open first thing in the morning to make mimosas for breakfast.  I'm going to need it to calm my nerves!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Happy Birthday, Grace!!

Grace turned 5 years old this month. (meaning February...I'm still trying to catch up on my blogging.) It's so cliche, but it really does seem like she was born yesterday.  Our tiny, squeeky, little baby is growing up and becoming quite the lovely little lady.  She is such a sweet and gentle soul and I'm so lucky to be her Momma!!

I thought it would be fun to interview Grace this year.  I hope to do this every year, so we can look back and reflect on how much she has evolved.

Grace - 5 years old
What is your favorite color?  Pink.
What is your favorite food?  Ravioli.  (This is funny to me, because I honestly don't know when the last was that we had ravioli)
What is your favorite toy?  My puppy purse.
How does it feel to be 5?  It feels different than 4.
Why?  Because, it's bigger.  I grow bigger when I'm 5.
What is your favorite thing to do at school?  Making fans.  (This is another thing that makes me laugh.  EVERYDAY, for weeks now, she brings home paper that she has colored on and accordion folded into a fan.  Sometimes there are two or three of them.)
What do you want to be when you grow up?  A babysitter.

We threw her a rainbow birthday party, complete with a rainbow bounce house.  She had a blast!!

Valentine's Day

This year I took pictures of the kids and incorporated them into the Valentine's they were going to give to their classmates.  Here are a few of my favorites from our Valentine Session...

Forever in her cowgirl boots.

Making progress...

I'm making progress on getting caught up on my blogging.  I'm finally into the year 2013.  

These pics are from an afternoon at the playground in January.  This was the first time I saw Grace swing by herself.  Previously she 'needed' someone to push her.  She was reluctant to listen and learn from my instructions on pumping her legs to gain momentum on the swing, but her teachers at school were working with her.  Today I got to see her do it all by herself.  As an adult, you forget about these small achievements.  

RJ is king of the world!!


Saturday, June 1, 2013

Christmas Eve (2012)

It's been a tradition for us to have breakfast at one of the Disney Resorts on Christmas Eve.  We really like Cape May at Disney's Beach Club Resort.  The food is fantastic and it's always fun to see the Christmas decorations.  This year, they had working carousels made out of chocolate!

Goofy visiting with Daddy and Grace.

RJ flirting with Minnie Mouse.

Grace had to wear her new dress up earrings!

Best Friends!!

 Grace is getting good with the cell phone camera!!

Making Christmas Cookies (2012)

Every Christmas we have to whip up a few batches of Grandma Fox's Ginger Crinkles.  I think these are my all time favorite Christmas Cookies!!

Christmas Parade (2012)

Monday, April 29, 2013

Halloween (2012)

Carving our pumpkin.

Halloween parade at school.

Halloween snacks before the parade.

GG came to help with the parade.  Thank goodness because RJ had a meltdown and needed to go home for a nap.

Getting ready to go Trick or Treating.  

It was unusually cold on Halloween night.  Grace would have froze in her mermaid costume, so she had to wear a turtle neck to keep warm.  They both looked awesome in their outfits and had so much fun!!