Monday, December 17, 2007

Here's a pic of my baby bump!!

At my last appointment, the doctor was a little concerned that my cervix was on the thin side. He told me that I was to do very little around the house, no lifting, and to take it easy. He would check me again in two weeks to determine if I needed to go on bedrest. He also wanted me to have another diagnostic ultrasound. I was anxious for today to come to find out the results.

So we went for our fetal growth ultrasound this afternoon. They were measuring all of Gracie's parts and pieces to make sure she is growing properly. She passed the tests with flying fact, she measures 3 days ahead of schedule! As of today she is 3lbs 1oz! Bryan and I were very happy to hear this.

After the ultrasound we went across the street to the doctor's office. Where he told me I am officially on, what I call "modified bedrest". He said if I'm not at work, I'm not to be doing shopping, cleaning, cooking, etc. Yikes!!! I can tell you right now, this is going to be hard!!! BUT, I will do whatever it takes to make sure Gracie stays put for as long as she needs to. So I have resigned myself to the fact that the rest of the Christmas cards and presents will have to wait until after the baby is born AND I'm hiring a cleaning lady!! Maybe this isn't such a bad thing!! :)

I'll keep you posted as things progress!

In the meantime, have a Blessed Holiday Season!


NIKKI said...

Glad little Gracie is growing so well!! YOu look VERY cute!!!

I was on at least modfied bed rest for pretty much most of the second half of my pg. ENJOY the cleaning lady and watch lots of movies! The Shopaholic series kept of books kept me laughing and off my feet for a little while! Email me so we can chat!!!

I'll keep ya'll in my prayers!
Stay off of those feet!!!

Anonymous said...

That's the way to go girl! I will keep the candles lit. I light 12 every Saturday evening before mass - I will up that to 14,to be on the safe side.



Anonymous said...

Gracie is more important than anything else in this world! Enjoy the rest and help. Our prayers are with you, Bryan and Gracie!
Merry Christmas!!!
Aunt Judy

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your cleaning lady! I wish I had an excuse to hire one. I hope everyone is doing well!

Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

I're just adorable, although I think my belly was this size at the time of conception!! You look fantastic!! I want to see more belly though!! Hope you're feeling well and you had a great holiday! Hi to Bryan!!