Saturday, March 21, 2009

The ZOO!!!

Happy girl!!
Today we went to the zoo with Beeka, Papa, Aunt Merideth, Uncle Brooks, Kyla, and Shea to celebrate Beeka's birthday. It was a gorgeous day out, as the sun was shining and there was a nice breeze. Grace LOVED all the animals! She would touch any of them that she could reach! The pictures below are amazing to me. It's awesome that she loves animals as much as I do!
The azalea's are blooming!!

Daddy and Grace.
Scarlet macaw.

Grace was tired near the end of the day. She laid her head on the stroller tray and said nite nite! Poor baby!

Grace liked watching the Lorikeets drink nectar out of the cup. She would even reach out to try to touch them, BUT if one tried to climb onto her arm...she wasn't having any of it! I love her face in the above picture!

This bird tried to bite her when she reached for him. She didn't like that at all!

Kyla, Grace, and Daddy!

Grace petting the blue-tongued skink!

Grace petting a ball python. She actually tried to squeeze this snake, so we had to show her how to pet him nicely!

Grace touching the bearded dragon!

Grace walking by herself along the boardwalk. She's so independent!

Here is the best part of the day...

The zoo had a giraffe feeding area. Our tickets included 4 giraffe crackers. We had to wait a while for the giraffes to come over. Three of them finally came around the bend and last one headed straight for us. His name was "Doc" and he walked over to me and took a cookie out of my hand. Then he headed over to Grace.

Here he comes. She has her cracker ready....

And she gives him the cracker!! Look at her face...she really liked that! What a brave little girl!


Unknown said...

Those are great pictures Rie! I can't believe how big she is getting!! OH MY!!!! So cute and we can't wait to see you again:)

Andrea said...

Rie...I just commented under my hubby's name..didn't realize he was logged in..Sorry!!

Rae said...

She touched a snake?!!!!