Sunday, May 3, 2009

Exploring the Yard!

Grace "helped" me clean the back porch today. (Really she just hung out in her high chair eating apples and animal crackers while watching me work!) After we were done, we took a break and played in the front yard. I took the opportunity to take some well-over-due pictures of her. Grace is obsessed with sticks! She must have at least one, but typically has several, in her hand whenever she is outside. She continues to amaze us as she explores the world.
Grace can now tell us her last name, she can count from 1 to 10, and her vocabulary is astonishing! She repeats pretty much everything she hears. From parts of songs, to names, to just casual conversation. She is truly a little sponge!
I am counting down the days until summer vacation. We have a long list of activities planned! I can't wait to spend some extra time with my little "Lovie Buggie"!

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