Thursday, May 1, 2014

Grace's Birthday

Grace turned 6 in February!!
I can't believe SIX YEARS OLD!!
It seems like once your child turns six, they are no longer babies.  Five was tough for me, but six is way harder.  All of a sudden she can open the car door by herself, get her own clothes out of the closet and dress herself, do her own hair, buckle herself into her carseat, it often seems she doesn't need much of our help.  While I want this, as it is important for our children to become independent, it still hurts my heart a little.  I miss my tiny baby, yet I'm enjoying my big girl!

This year she wanted a Heart-themed birthday party with a face painter.  Ask and you shall receive, my Sweet!  We had the party at the Lake Pavilion in my parents neighborhood and hired two face painters.  It was a hit and she really enjoyed her day.

Happy, Happy Birthday, G-Bug!  We love you to the moon and back!!!

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