Friday, October 25, 2013

Now I lay me down to sleep...

Rainbow Hair

Grace came home from school so proud that she could read a book all by herself.  I love seeing her so confident!

Mars vs. Venus

On our way home from school today, Grace was explaining something to RJ about how Bryan has worked in many different places.  I only caught the last part of the conversation, but know that Grace had been talking for quite a while.  The entire time Grace was talking, RJ was sucking his thumb and staring directly ahead.  Once Grace finished her dissertation RJ looked over at her and said, "That was a lot of talking", then he resumed his thumb sucking and staring.

Men and women are wired so differently from the get go.  Even at ages 3 and 5, he is from Mars and she is from Venus.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Deep Thoughts, from RJ.

The other day the kids were eating dinner.  RJ turned to me, as he was at the end of his bowl of peas and says, "I'm at the end of my peas.  You know, my master peas!"

Earlier in the week I told the kids they could have a sleepover in RJ's bed.  With enthusiasm RJ blurts out, "YES!!  This is going to be so dramatic!!"


We were at a friend's house today and the kids were playing dress-up.  While talking with my friend, I heard Grace calling my name from the bathroom.  I went in there to find sitting on the potty all dressed in a ball gown, veil, and jewels.  She looked at me and says, "Mommy, even the fanciest princesses have to go poop."

Yes, Grace.  I guess they do.