Saturday, February 20, 2010

Wearing Mommy's boots!

On February 13th, Grace had her first haircut. The haircut went ok, but the french braid did not. Grace got impatient while waiting for her hair to be braided and started crying. She was very tired, so that didn't help the situation. Her hair is just so pretty. I hated having it trimmed, even a little!

More 3D pictures of Baby RJ

RJ with his right fist over his forehead!

In this picture, he has his right foot over his face.
He put it there about half way through the ultrasonography session and would NOT move it. So we didn't get many more good pictures or video after that. Too funny!

RJ is already in the head-down position with his feet on my lower left side. That explains all the kicking it that area. He is extremely active all the time. I don't remember Grace being this wiggly!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Baby RJ

Grace's 3D ultrasound!

Raymond Joseph
On Monday, Bryan and I went to have a 3D ultrasound. As soon as we saw RJ on the screen, I thought he looked exactly like Bryan. When we got home and compared RJ's 3D ultrasound to Grace's, he looked exactly like her! It was just incredible!
I am 31 weeks along now...only 9 more weeks to go. Yikes! I'm starting to get a little nervous about it. RJ weighs about 3.3 pounds and is about 16 inches long. Over the next few weeks he will put some meat on his bones and plump up. I have a doctor's appointment next week, and will post the progress then.

Grace has been showing us that she's turning two this week and has been quite testy. I'm worried about how she will feel when RJ gets here. We don't want her to feel left out.

So far she seems to be pretty excited about meeting RJ. She will lift up my shirt and talk into my belly button to tell RJ that she loves him. Then, she'll say "we need to close him up (meaning, put my shirt down) and let him go to sleep".

Grace told me the other day that she wanted to teach RJ how to ride a bike. She is such a sweet loving little girl! She's going to be a great big sister!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Three little monkeys climbing up the slide!
Grace enjoyed playing on the playground with her friends!!

Our little Dare Devil!

Climbing the rock wall...
She really surprised me with how much strength she has in her arms. She had no problems hoisting herself up the wall.

There are no words to describe how beautiful she is!

Sweet little sleeping baby!

6 Months Pregnant

RJ is a very active baby. For the longest time, I could only feel him on my lower left side. Since he's grown a lot more, I can feel him all over. He's constantly moving! I wonder if this is indicative of what's to come???


This one is from a couple of months ago...
Mommy: "Grace, what did you do in school today?"
Grace: "Ate nem and nem's!"
(Translation: ate M&M"s)
We were shopping in Target the other day and for some odd reason Target has all of their spring and summer apparel on display now. We passed a wall full of bikinis and Grace said, "Mommy, are you going to wear those boobies?"

Merry Christmas!!!

Clyde the Elf left Grace a letter telling her he went back to the North Pole with Santa. Clyde stayed with us for quite a while and was a really big help in making sure Grace stayed on Santa's "Nice" list.

Santa Claus left lots of wonderful presents for Grace to open. Her big gift was a new pink tricycle. Conveniently he included a handle for Mommy and Daddy to push Grace with. It even turns the handle bars so we can steer the tricycle for her...her legs aren't quite long enough to pedal yet.

Christmas Eve

We had Christmas Eve breakfast at Disney's Yacht and Beach Club. The buffet was delicious and Grace got to spend lots of time with the characters! She had a blast!
(I am almost 6 months pregnant here...getting big!)

More Christmas...

Making Grandma Fox's famous "Ice Box Cookies"!
Grace really enjoyed cutting out the dough with the cookie cutters. Her favorite was the gingerbread man shape. These cookies are great because they only take 10 minutes to bake...she didn't have to wait long at all to be able to eat them!