Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Happy Birthday, Grace!!

Grace turned 5 years old this month. (meaning February...I'm still trying to catch up on my blogging.) It's so cliche, but it really does seem like she was born yesterday.  Our tiny, squeeky, little baby is growing up and becoming quite the lovely little lady.  She is such a sweet and gentle soul and I'm so lucky to be her Momma!!

I thought it would be fun to interview Grace this year.  I hope to do this every year, so we can look back and reflect on how much she has evolved.

Grace - 5 years old
What is your favorite color?  Pink.
What is your favorite food?  Ravioli.  (This is funny to me, because I honestly don't know when the last was that we had ravioli)
What is your favorite toy?  My puppy purse.
How does it feel to be 5?  It feels different than 4.
Why?  Because, it's bigger.  I grow bigger when I'm 5.
What is your favorite thing to do at school?  Making fans.  (This is another thing that makes me laugh.  EVERYDAY, for weeks now, she brings home paper that she has colored on and accordion folded into a fan.  Sometimes there are two or three of them.)
What do you want to be when you grow up?  A babysitter.

We threw her a rainbow birthday party, complete with a rainbow bounce house.  She had a blast!!

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