Thursday, July 10, 2008

19 1/2 Weeks

Tummy time!!

Simon cannot get enough of that baby. Any chance he gets he snuggles up next to her, or in this case, on top of her!
Sittin' in my high chair!!

It's been a while since I've updated the blog. I have been super busy being a mom!!
Grace will turn 5 months (20 weeks) on Saturday. She is absolutely wonderful! Last Tuesday we took her in for her 4 month checkup..yes, it was a bit behind schedule. She weighed 12lbs 10.5oz and she was 24 7/8in long. That's 6 inches and 7 lbs from birth!

She sits up very well when she's assisted. She enjoys sitting in her bumpo chair, her high chair, and now her new walker. If we put some toys in front of her she will play for about 40 minutes. She seems to very analytical with her toys...she definitely gets that from her dad.

Gracie babbles most of the day now. Her favorite thing is to squeal with a high pitched sound!! I read to her and sing to her all the time. When I do, she moves her lips like she wants to mimic me. Too funny!

She can also roll over onto her stomach and then to her back again. She doesn't mind her tummy time now. I'm glad about that since everyone scares new parents about their babies developing flat heads from being on their backs all the time. I've caught her sleeping on her belly a few times, but since she is so good at holding her head up and rolling over onto her back I leave her alone.

When we sit down for meals, Grace watches every movement we make. She will follow the fork from the plate to our mouths. If she can reach it, she grabs whatever she can off of our plates. So, I've been offering her some rice cereal for the past few weeks. Last night, she grabbed the spoon and helped me put it into her mouth and actually swallowed some of the cereal. You would have thought we won the lottery...these small milestones make our day!!

I thank God everyday for this precious little angel. She's brought so much love and happiness into our world! (With the love and happiness comes lots of laundry and extra expenses, but we don't focus on that...haha!!)

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