Saturday, January 8, 2011

RJ Update...

"I got my first tooth!!!" RJ has been working on getting his bottom two teeth for the past two months. His right one finally broke through and his left one is not far behind.

I can't believe that RJ is 8 1/2 months old! Our sweet baby is getting so big, so fast. It seems that all at once he makes huge advances. He can now pull himself up to a kneeling position, he is beginning to feed himself, and he knows what NO means, although he chooses to ignore that word. He will turn, look at us, smile, then go right back to doing what we was doing.

He's gotten the hang of feeding himself cheerios, Gerber Graduate puffs, and freeze-dried apples. I've tried giving him fruits and smalls bits of chicken, but...he gags. So, it is now confirmed that I have TWO dramatic children.

RJ eats two whole jars of baby food three times a day, eats 2-3 snacks of cheerios or apples each day, and still has several bottles. The kid is a MOOSE!

He is such a happy baby. He LOVES his big sister. Grace will sing, talk, or just be silly with him and he gets the biggest kick out of it. I hope and pray that they will always be friends, be eachother's advocate, and take good care of eachother. They are the greatest gifts God has given Bryan and I. We are so honored and blessed to be their parents!

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